Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Before School Starts

I wrote this Monday. Now that I finally have internet I can post it.

Two things that I did that are both noteworthy: 30/08/10

1. I had the healthiest dinner out I think I have ever eaten. The restaurant is in the mall where the Carrefour is so I constantly pass it while doing my shopping and it intrigued me from the start. Inside a bunch of people sit at a bar and at each setting is a boiling pot of water and a ton of random vegetables and uncooked meats. Sunday night I attempted it. The menu was entirely in Chinese, with no pictures. Fun. I chose one that cost a little more than the others on the logic that everyone seemed to have combos around them and the more expensive one would probably be just that. They placed the bowl of boiling water infront of me and went to grab my food. The boiling water alone made me drool: they had put some spices and aromatics in it and it smelled absolutely delicious. Out came my plate of leafy greens, sweet potato, tofu, shrimp, crab and some thinly sliced beef, all uncooked, with a little bowl of a peanutty sauce (NOT peanut sauce, it was a little spicier, a little heavier on the seasonings). The meal was DELICIOUS. I watched a couple people first, unsure of how to cook the rapini or glass noodles (didn’t eat those though due to presumed gluten content) or bok choy or what seemed like an entire head of lettuce. Eventually I just threw as much in the pot as I could and just picked them out piece by piece, dipped them in the sauce, and savoured the shit out of it. I love vegetables, and this was veggie heaven. The meat, tofu, crab, shrimp were so fresh and soft. The whole meal was 26yuan, or $4.30 CDN. I think I’m going to eat here every second night since I’m fed breakfast and lunch at the school.

2. I bought the most PIMP baller mac daddy bicycle. EVER. I was literally giddy riding it back from the store. I made sure I picked the one that I thought would literally make me feel as low rider as possible hahahhahaaha. I love it so much I want to ship it back to Canada with me when I come home. I'm such a child! Ch-ch-ch-ch-check it outtttttttttttttt.

This afternoon I met up with Emilie and Tom at the school after we both had meetings. They suggested going out for a drink which ended up with me drinking a bottle of wine before going out to get peking duck with Sharon and Damon, which was absolutely delicious. I then proceeded to meet Emilie and Tom again at a bar in the city. Probably not the best idea, as it is my first day of work tomorrow and I am definitely up at 2am logging how exponentially drunk I am for the world to see. I can’t decide what is smart anymore. Emilie is me, albeit 10 years older. We already have plans to go to this huge house club party on September 14th, and I have an inkling we’re going to get along well together.

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